A new look for the website!
26 March 2024

Nothing is ever stationary in the logistics industry. So of course, our corporate identity should move with the times too. High time for a complete overhaul of ritra.nl. The focus was on keywords like authentic, personal and clear. We also needed a quick link to the TRACOS platform. Now, after months of preparation, we can proudly present our new website!
In the starting blocks
The request came from Ritra’s director Martijn Berghout: give the website a new look in 2024. Everything should be more vibrant, more personal and more uncluttered. It comes as no surprise that the Marketing & Communication team didn’t need telling twice! It was vital that all important services for (regular) visitors were still easy to find. And also, wouldn’t it be great if the homepage contained a direct link to our online platform TRACOS?
And so it was that existing text was rewritten, and new text, such as for the pages ‘Cruise Services’, ‘Post-transport and Groupage’ and ‘Who are we?’, were carefully created. Critical feedback from Martijn and valuable meetings with webhost Pim from Open Roads became a staple in the final weeks before going live.
No chance of writer’s block: there is so much to say about our industry! We also took a critical look at the images for all topics. We made use of our own resources as much as possible. There has been non-stop editing, shuffling, cutting, placing, rethinking, and processing. All this resulted in the new, vibrant and clear layout where lots of text has been replaced by expressive images.
Several customers were already present on the ‘old’ website, with their logos and some even with great references or business cases. One of our brainstorming sessions revealed how nice it would be to add even more reviews. After all, who is more familiar with the ins and outs of Ritra Cargo than our own loyal customers?
After only a few friendly requests by e-mail (and some prayers, because it is nerve-wracking after all), we are proud to announce that we received a very nice collection of Testimonials. In fact, we received so many that we created a separate page for them.* Even the Marketing & Communication department was stuck for words…
THANK YOU in capitals indeed. Because this project wouldn’t have succeeded without our trusty web developer Pim Schaaf from Open Roads. Pim has shown himself to be our rock – even more than usual – during this past period. Interested and involved, engaging in the outcomes of our (over)enthusiastic plans, and above all a champion at asking the right questions.
And THANK YOU to our loyal customers who have been so thoughtful in writing down their positive Ritra experience. Our utmost thanks for taking the time and effort to do this completely selflessly, and thank you for allowing us to use your company logos and texts to make our website even more personal.
Enjoy the new website!
Kind regards,
Chantal Knegt and Marjoleine Rietveld on behalf of the Marketing & Communication team
* If you are not featured on our website yet, but would like to be, please contact us so we can arrange to add you too!
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