Cancellation feeder services South China
6 December 2021

Starting next week, the first feeder services for containers will be ceased in South China. In the run-up to the Chinese New Year in February, this will result in a serious decrease in capacity. Various shipping companies have warned about a disruption that will last from the end of December to at least mid February next year.
As a result of the cancellation of the feeder services, seafaring personnel will have the opportunity to celebrate the two-week Chinese New Year celebrations with their families. Because of the cancellation, they will be able to meet the strict Chinese quarantine regulations.
For shippers, this will have serious consequences with regard to the acceptance of cargo from various South Chinese ports. The ports that normally transit through Hong Kong, Yantian, Shekou and Nansha will be temporarily inaccessible.
Affected ports include Fuzhou, Zhongshan, Foshan and Huangpu. Cargoes from larger ports, such as Hong Kong, Yantian, Xiamen and Shekou can depart normally. We recommend booking your cargoes from these main ports on an FOB basis for the time being.
Would you like to know whether this has any consequences for you? Please get in touch with your Ritra Cargo contact.
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