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Cost developments for national freight transport in 2018 and 2019

Cost developments for national freight transport in 2018 and 2019

Kostenontwikkeling binnenlands vrachtvervoer 2019

Each year, the National and International Road Transport Organization (NIWO) issues a report on the cost developments in national freight transport. In addition to the costs incurred in the previous year, a forecast for the next year is included. This is an important report, as many carriers base their rates on it. What can you expect for 2019? And what were the costs incurred for freight transport in 2018?


National freight transport more expensive in 2019

The rate for road transport of sea containers will go up. A 4.1% increase compared to 2018 is expected for 2019. Pallet transport will also become more expensive next year. Compared to 2018, the rates will go up by 4.8%. The price developments for 2019 are inter alia based on the expected costs for wages, insurance of vehicles, and maintenance. These costs are all expected to go up in 2019.

It is important to know that the fuel costs have not been included in both price developments. Experience has taught that the diesel price is very hard to predict. This is also the reason why many carriers charge this separately through a diesel surcharge.


Costs incurred in 2018 higher than expected

The costs incurred for national freight transport in 2018 turned out to be higher than expected. The price development for road transport of sea containers was estimated at +3.3%. This proved to be 2% higher, totalling 5.3%. The price increase for pallets was estimated at 4.4%. Finally, national transport of these turned out to be 4.8% more expensive compared to 2017.

The fact that the costs exceeded expectations is mainly due to the costs incurred for driving personnel. The increasing shortage of drivers plays an important part in this respect: among other things, transport companies had to hire more temporary employees and familiarising new personnel with their jobs took up a lot of time.


Road transport rates for 2019

The costs for national road transport will be going up. This will be in line with the aforementioned expected price developments. Towards the end of the year, Ritra Cargo will be negotiating the rates for 2019 with carriers. We will soon inform you about the outcome of these negotiations.


Source: Cost level development for national lorry transport in 2018 and 2019, Panteia/NEA and NIWO.


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