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Don’t forget Golden Week

Don’t forget Golden Week

Vergeet u de Golden Week niet?

It may still seem a bit far away, but time is flying, and October is closer than you think. From 1 to 8 October, it will be Golden Week again in China; a week of festivities where the whole country is off. Don’t forget to factor this into your transport planning.


Limited capacity

Golden Week is one big celebration, with almost everyone in China having time off. This also applies to the logistics industry. Factories are closed, ports are idle and there is minimal staffing at offices, including those of our agencies. There’s no getting around it. As a result, shippers looking to ship last-minute goods may run into issues.


During this period, cargo supply fluctuates a lot. Many importers want to get their goods shipped quickly before the holidays. As a result, cargo supply is very high, while air and sea ports only have a certain capacity.


Shipping companies may cancel last-minute sailings. This means that some cargo can no longer be carried because the ship is full. This load is then rolled to the next sailing. Often, this is only after the holiday week and, after Golden Week, it could cause inconveniences.



Planning ahead

For you as a shipper, it is important to think about your transport planning now. This is to avoid any possible delays. Are you unable to avoid importing from China around Golden Week? Then make sure you make a booking well in advance. There is a greater chance that your cargo can still be on the scheduled sailing.


As an importer, it is also useful to take into account other international holidays in Asia. In association with our overseas agents, we have listed them all for you in our desktop calendar.




Do you have any questions about the Golden Week or about your transport planning? If so, feel free to contact us!



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