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Extra news: EU ban on Russian basic iron and steel products

Extra news: EU ban on Russian basic iron and steel products

Verbod op Russisch staal

Following an urgent notice from the Dutch Customs on 11 October last, we would like to inform you of the following: since 30 September 2023, an import ban applies to steel and iron containing Russian basic products. These goods may no longer be imported into the European Union from today.



As a shipper, you must be able to prove that your products do not contain Russian iron and steel. This concerns almost all goods falling under category HS 73… The main proof is the Mill Test Certificate (MTC). You are responsible for the information provided to Customs via the MTC. In case of doubt, Customs may ask you for additional evidence.


For additional information, please refer to the website of the Tax and Customs Administration: https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontentnl/berichten/nieuws/douane/vanaf-30-09-2023-uitbreiding-importverbod-van-ijzer-en-staal-uit-rusland


Do you have any further questions? If so, please contact one of our declarants or your regular contact person.



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