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Registration as an exporter (REX) becomes obligatory for trade with GSP countries

Registration as an exporter (REX) becomes obligatory for trade with GSP countries

Expediteur Bangladesh

As of 1 January 2019, a number of APS countries will once again be added to the REX system. Suppliers in these countries must then register as an exporter within the calendar year. This relates to the following 22 countries: Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Philippines, Haiti, Indonesia, Cape Verde, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mongolia, Nigeria, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Paraguay, Samoa, Senegal, Tajikistan, Vanuatu islands and Vietnam.


Update November 8th, 2017

From January 1st, the following 16 GSP countries will move over to the REX system: Afghanistan, Armenia, Bolivia, Eritrea, Gambia, Guinee, Ivory Coast, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Syria and Tanzania.


Announcement December 23rd, 2016

Registration as an exporter (REX) becomes obligatory for trade with GSP countries

Do you import from GSP countries? Then you need to use Form A. Through this you get a reduced or zero rate of import duty. From January 1, 2017 this process becomes easier. From that date, the phased registered exporter (REX) system will be in place, where Form A is replaced by a certificate of origin. You are responsible to take action to avail of this.

What is a certificate of origin?

A certificate of origin is in fact stipulated on the invoice, where it states from which GSP country the product originates. This provides a tariff preference. Registered exporters may themselves add this to the invoice. Therefore, an intermediary body is no longer necessary, as was the case with Form A.


Who must register as an exporter?

You must register yourself as ‘re-sender’ when you send goods from an GSP country through to any country within the EU, Norway, Switzerland or Turkey. Only then can you replace or split the original certificate of origin, so that the goods can be transitioned.

Do you have a supplier in an GSP country? Then they must register themselves as an exporter. If they do not do so, you cannot arrange to claim a reduced or zero rate of import duty. Therefore, it’s very important that your suppliers register themselves on time.


How does REX registration work?

In the Netherlands you can register as an exporter via the Country of Origin Team (LOT) in Arnhem. You can find the necessary forms on our website (click here). In other countries, registration is handled by the relevant local authorities.


Phased introduction of the REX system

The REX system will be introduced between 2017 and 2019. In 2017, the regulations will be mandatory when trading with the following GSP countries: India, Congo, Comoros (except Moyote), Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Laos, Niue Island, Solomon Islands, Pakistan and Zambia.

It’s expected that the above GSP countries will move over to the REX system as soon as possible. This way of working is certainly much easier than using Form A, which involved a lot of paperwork and various agencies. We also advise you to ensure that your suppliers set themselves up as registered exporters. If you are re-shipper, you can from now on register with LOT.


Further information on the REX system

A complete explanation of the REX system and the list of GSP countries that will move over in 2018 and 2019 can be found in the presentation from Customs and Fenex (Dutch).

If you need help with registering as an exporter, then we are of course ready to help. Also for assistance with other questions relating to the REX system, you can contact our declarations department.


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