Ritra Cargo enforces relationships with Asia agencies during FECL conference
18 April 2016
Ritra Cargo’s local agencies are an essential link in the logistic supply chain. They are located all over the world – from Asia to the United States – and have great knowledge about their region. Ritra Cargo has agreements with several networks of agencies in order to ensure quality, flexibility, competing prices and great service.
The Far Easy Cargo Line (FECL) is one of those agencies, with an exclusive network of logistic agencies located in Europe and Asia. Every country has one representative. Ritra Cargo has been representing The Netherlands since 2002.
In order to optimize the existing relationships, all members of the Far East Cargo Line gather once every two years. Last February, 3 representatives of Ritra Cargo went to Hong Kong. During this three day conference, the focus was on one-on-one meetings. These allowed the partners to discuss their current cooperation face-to-face. Martijn Berghout, managing director at Ritra: “getting to know each other is very important to us, as it will always improve collaboration”.
Innovation was one of the most important topics on the agenda this year. Ritra Cargo’s new EDI solution, the Traffic Control system, was discussed. Using this PO management tool, customers can look into their order information and manage it 24/7. In order to optimize the system, experiences of Asia agents are an important addition.
Furthermore, agencies from Port Kelang and Singapore presented some new value added services. These allow goods from a diverse range of countries of origin to be gathered at logistic hubs. After that, they will be repackaged and shipped direct-to-sale to its final destination. Large retailers from Australia, New Zealand and England currently make the most use of these services.
Would you like to know more about the outcomes of the Far East Cargo Line conference or our network of agencies? Please reach out to us.
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