Team Ritra braves monkey bars and container wall XXXL
28 October 2024

On Sunday, 6 October 2024, Team Ritra enthusiastically participated in the annual Harbour Run. The obstacle run, traditionally held in the Port of Rotterdam, brought the team together for a day of fun, teamwork and unforgettable moments. The unique atmosphere made for an unforgettable event. Team Ritra Cargo showed that they are not only strong in logistics, but also excel athletically!
Training & Focus
Johan, Max, Martijn, Pascal, Georgiana, Rutger, Peter and Marjoleine took on the Harbour Run challenge this year. For training workouts, some were in the gym daily, while others used the treadmill occasionally. Rutger focused on power training at home. Marjoleine found a creative way to exercise by running outside with the dog.
But of course, during an obstacle run like this, it’s not just about the running; the obstacles play a big role in this as well. For most, the toughest obstacle was the ‘monkey bars’. Rutger explains: ‘After 6 kilometres, when you’ve already used up quite a bit of strength, it was pretty difficult.’ Johan found the 4-metre-high wall most challenging, while Marjoleine had a hard time climbing over a stretched net between containers because of her fear of heights.
Climbing and scrambling together
Of course, there were also many fun obstacles! Peter and Marjoleine together conquered the 10-meter-high Container Wall XXXL. Marjoleine: ‘I never expected that.’ The ball pit put a smile on everyone’s face, although Georgiana did suffer a bruised knee. Max liked the crawl track with electrified wires best: ‘That’s when it really got fun!’
Working together as a team is motivating. Peter described it as: ‘one club, one goal’. Rutger stressed the importance of sticking together: ‘As a team, you support and encourage each other.’ Working together and supporting each other makes the run a lot more bearable. The Team finished with pride. Johan was craving a beer and Georgiana was determined: ‘In 2025, we’ll be back!’ Max was already making plans for the Rotterdam 2025 marathon.
Tips and tricks for (your?) participation in 2025!
All in all, it was a day full of challenges, fun and team spirit. After finishing (10 km without injuries!) the team received clean shirts from our client Malelions and a beautiful medal – a perfect memento of this sporting day. For future participants, the team had some tips:
Peter: ‘Fun is more important than performance.’
Rutger: ‘Get some real exercise, go running or do something else. But above all, see it as a great adventure, together. Such a run should not be a must, so participate for fun. And you’re not alone!’
Georgiana: ‘Just enjoy joining in! It’s good for team building and you get to know each other in a different way. It’s a fun challenge both for yourself and for Ritra.’
Max: ‘You just have to participate because you’ll be fine and you can do this. During the run, there is no right or wrong way and your team will wait for you.’
Marjoleine: ‘Make sure you do some training beforehand, though hours in the gym is not necessary. A daily walk is already a good workout.’
Johan: ‘Prepare yourself well otherwise you will have a week of muscle pain. But go into it with a positive attitude, and you’ll get yourself through it easier. And do a boot camp beforehand to prepare.’
Martijn: ‘It is accessible to everyone. Don’t dread those 6 or 10 kilometres because, on our team, it’s teamwork that gets you across the finish line.’
Pascal: ‘The Harbour Run is for fun and open to everyone. It’s not about times or fitness, it’s about fun!’
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