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Team Ritra Cargo enjoy “zwila” and vegan lunch together

Team Ritra Cargo enjoy “zwila” and vegan lunch together

Footprint Challenge Expediteur Ritra Cargo

The Ritra Cargo Footprint Challenge has started! This internal competition challenges us to think about our own behaviours when it comes to the environment. What is our personal footprint? And how about our company’s footprint? And most importantly: how can we reduce it? One thing is certain: this Footprint Challenge is teaching us a lot already! Which sustainable actions, tips & tricks have already emerged? And who are our first winners?



The “Zwila” in week 1

The Footprint Challenge helps Ritra Cargo to become more sustainable “from the inside out” in 40 days. We do this with the help of different themes. Week 1 was “Conscious about Waste”. As well as lots of practical tips about reusing (cooled) boiled water, turning down your heating just a tiny bit, and many other tips, we also got to work on action-focused joint actions!


Have you heard of the ‘zwila’? It’s a Dutch acronym for Litter-Walk-Talk. 3 tasks in 1, very effective and good for you and your environment. A (shockingly!) large amount of litter was gathered, both around our neighbourhoods and our offices. A number of colleagues joined in. Chantal V. used her work-from-home day to head out to the Hoeksche Waard with her mother. The full bin bag of litter she collected made her the winner of week 1!


Vegan lunches in week 2

Week 2 was all about “Smart Eating” Food is one of Ritra Cargo’s favourite topics! Martijn likes nothing better than lunching on leftovers Marjolein brings from home, Peter has admitted he is now a hummus fan, and Roos treated us all to vegan smoothies for her birthday. Also, Rob – an enthusiastic and conscious foodie – loved this week, and Randy, Daisy, and Chantal have loved sharing their new, favourite vegetarian and vegan recipes with the community. For all the colleagues who where curious about vegan products, there was a vegan lunch on the menu at both offices. Fun, tasty, and sustainable!

Vegan Lunches


Follow us on our Ritra Cargo Footprint Challenge!

We are now busy with week 3. This week’s theme is “Be energy smart”. The first tips have been shared, the new actions are planned. Now the lovely spring weather is shining upon us, we wanted to share colleague Ad’s tip with you: do not forget to clean solar panels for the best possible yield! Keep an eye on our social media channels for the latest news, challenges and inspiration!


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The Footprint Challenge helps the Ritra Cargo team to raise awareness and apply this awareness in daily life. Together, we create more sustainability from within! Did you miss the article? We shared our reason for participating in last month’s newsletter.


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