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Update: Ningbo terminal back in action

Update: Ningbo terminal back in action

Nieuwe COVID19-uitbraak in Azië leidt tot meer druk op supply chains

Update: the Meishan terminal in Ningbo is up and running again.


As no new coronavirus infections have occurred in the last 14 days, the Meishan terminal in Ningbo has been reopened. Activities will be resumed gradually.


This partial terminal closure has created extra pressure on the other Chinese ports; ships were diverted to Shanghai, Xiamen, and Hong Kong. Priority will be given to the affected consignments. It is expected that it will take several weeks to clear this backlog.


Message from 12 August 2021

Terminal at Ningbo closed due to coronavirus infection

Due to a case of the coronavirus discovered in a port worker in Ningbo, it has been decided to stop all activity at the Meishan container terminal immediately. Sea freight from and to this terminal will not be possible until further notice.


China operates on the principle of a zero-tolerance policy. This means a single positive case will cause all work to be halted in order to prevent further infection.


Ningbo is one of the largest container ports in China. As such, this development will have a major impact on all consignments to and from the port in question. Some ships will skip this port due to the current situation.


Unfortunately, we cannot yet predict the exact impact at this time. We will post new information on our website as soon as it becomes available. If you have any questions after reading this item, please contact your Ritra Cargo contact person.


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