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Low Sulphur Surcharge 2015

Low Sulphur Surcharge 2015

You probably have been informed by various media about the Low Sulphur Surcharge that will be charged by all carriers from January 2015. This surcharge is the result of new EU regulations which aim at reducing marine Sulphur emissions in Emission Control Areas (SECA) to benefit the environment.

This EU regulation means that vessels operating in the Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) will be allowed a maximum Sulphur content in their fuel of 0.1% compared to today’s limit of 1.0% resulting in an increase in bunker costs. The new Sulphur provisions are expected to deliver significant pollutant emission reductions from the shipping sector.

As Ritra Cargo aims to offer an all-inn ocean freight this surcharge will be implemented in our ocean freight quotation and will not result in an additional surcharge.

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