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Oracle vermeld IT oplossingen Ritra Cargo op website

Oracle vermeld IT oplossingen Ritra Cargo op website

De innovatieve IT oplossingen van Ritra Cargo hebben een eervolle vermelding gekregen op de website van softwaregigant Oracle. De quote komt vanuit Yellowstar Solutions, die al jaren onze partner is op het gebied van softwareontwikkeling. Zo hebben zij onder andere het Traffic Control System (TCS) ontwikkeld en wordt binnenkort het Warehouse Management Systeem (WMS) gelanceerd.

Martijn Berghout, directeur van Ritra Cargo, zegt in deze quote het volgende over de samenwerking met Yellowstar Solutions en de toegevoegde waarde van de IT oplossingen:

“Ritra is keen on adopting innovative tools and processes. By working closely together with Yellowstar Solutions, we have been able to increase the transparency in our supply chain. As a result of this we can serve our customers in the fashion and retail industry (among others) even better than before. Ritra uses Oracle Databases, some external thin-client tools and Oracle APEX.

As a logistics services provider, Ritra takes care of the inbound flows of goods from Asia to Europe for retail companies. Yellowstar Star Flow provides us a clear view on all track and trace, and order data of the shipped goods from the moment the vessel or flight leaves Asia. In addition, it provides us a well-organized view on the goods movements until the moment of loading onto a vessel or flight.

The Star Flow portal, based on the Oracle APEX technology, has been offering Ritra additional supply chain insights. The more data we can offer our customers, the stronger our position as a logistics services provider will be. The improved visibility we can offer, allows our customers to better plan the transport of their goods. Moreover, it enables them to make changes in the schedules, whenever necessary.

Ritra was searching for a system renewal due to market needs, as described above, but also due to technology changes. Thanks to Oracle APEX and Yellowstar, we did not need to re-invest all we had already invested into building functionality within the Oracle Databases. Now we can easily renew our webbased technology and respond to our customers’ needs in a very agile way. Not only the speed of the technology, but also the flexibility and possibilities have been a great benefit to Ritra and our customers.

The collaboration between Yellowstar and Ritra has been excellent, we have been working together for quite a while now. Nonetheless, we have also looked at some other solutions, than the ones Yellowstar offers. We found that most of the solutions available are overly complicated. Because of Oracle APEX we now have a tool in place that all of our customers can use. They have access to personalized supply chain data and can proactively adapt whenever needed.”

Deze quote is eveneens te lezen op de website van Oracle.


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